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* Facilities Planning for Health, Fitness, Physical Activity, Recreation and Sports
Sawyer, Thomas H. / Sagamore Pub / 2002³â 02¿ù
* Legal Liability in Recreation and Sport Sagamore Pub / 2002³â 01¿ù
* Law for Support & Recreation Managers
Cotten / Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company /2000³â12¿ù
* Leadership and Groups in Recreational Service
Shivers, Jay Sanford/ Shivers, Jay S. / Associated Univ Pr / 2001³â 08¿ù
* Leadership in Recreation
Russell, Ruth V. / McGraw-Hill Higher Education /2000³â 05¿ù
* Law for Recreation and Sport Managers
Cotten, Doyice (Edt)/ Wolohan, John T./ Wilde, T. Jesse/ Cotten, Doyice
J./ Wolohan, John T. (Edt)/Wilde, T. Jesse (Edt)/Kendall Hunt Pub / 2000³â 12¿ù
* Therapeutic Recreation
Wilhite, Barbara C./ Keller, M. Jean / Venture Pub / 2000³â 08¿ù
* Trends in Outdoor Recreation, Leisure and Tourism
Gartner, William C. (Edt)/ Lime, David W. (Edt) / Oxford Univ Pr (Sd) / 2000³â10¿ù
* Therapeutic Recreation : An Introduction
Crawford, Michael / Allyn & Bacon, Incorporated /2000³â 12¿ù
* Therapeutic Recreation
Austin, David R. (Edt)/ Crawford, Michael E. (Edt) / Prentice Hall / 2000³â 12¿ù
* Therapeutic Recreation Programming
Sylvester Charles / Venture Pub / 2001³â 08¿ù
* Therapeutic Recreation, 3/E.
Austin, David R. / Allyn and Bacon / 2000³â 12¿ù
* Tourism, Recreation, and Sustainability
McCool, Stephen F. (Edt)/ Moisey, R. Neil (Edt) / Oxford Univ Pr (Sd) / 01³â 7¿ù
* The Public at Play
Tillotson, Shirley / Univ of Toronto Pr (S) / 2000³â 06¿ù
* The Recreation and Entertainment Industries
Clarke, Norman F. / McFarland & Co / 2000³â 08¿ù
* rofessional Practicum Manual, Experiential Education in Recreation & Leisure
Services : A Workbook
Jewell, David L. / Charles C Thomas Publisher, Limited /2001³â 07¿ù
* Rural Tourism and Recreation
Roberts, Lesley (Edt)/ Hall, Derek/ Roberts, Lesley/ Hall, Derek (Edt) /
Oxford Univ Pr (Sd) / 2001³â 09¿ù
* Recreation Programming
Rossman, J. Robert/ Schlatter, Barbara Elwood / Sagamore Pub / 2000³â 07¿ù
* Recreation
Wilson, Mike / Gale Group / 2001³â 05¿ù
* Recreation & Leisure in Modern Society
Kraus, Richard G. / Jones & Bartlett Publishers, Incorporated /2001¿ù 03¿ù
* Recreation Handbook for Camp, Conference and Community
Barrows, Roger E. / McFarland & Co / 2001³â 03¿ù
* Recreation and Leisure in Modern Society
Kraus, Richard G. / Jones & Bartlett Pub / 2001³â 03¿ù
* Recreation Director
Ermitage, Kathleen / Raintree/Steck Vaughn / 2000³â 01¿ù
* Recreation and Sport Planning and Design
Daly, James W. / Human Kinetics (Sd) / 2000³â 01¿ù
* Rural Tourism & Recreation : Principles & Practice
Roberts, L. / Oxford University Press, Incorporated /2001³â 09¿ù
* Recreation & Entertainment Industries : An Information Sourcebook
Clarke, Norman F. /McFarland & Company, Incorporated Publishers /2000³â 08¿ù
* Introduction to Recreation and Leisure Services
Henderson, Karla A./ Hemingway, John L./ Bialeschki, M. Deborah/ Sessoms,
H. Douglas/ Hodges, Jan S./ Kivel, Beth D. / Venture Pub / 2001³â 08¿ù
* Managing Environments for Leisure and Recreation
Broadhurst, Richard / Routledge / 2001³â 09¿ù
* Managing Environments for Leisure and Recreation
Broadhurst, Richard / Routledge / 2001³â 09¿ù
* Managing Environments for Leisure & Recreation
Broadhurst, Richard / Routledge /2001³â 08¿ù
* Managing Recreation, Parks and Leisure Services
Edginton, Christopher R./ Hudson, Susan D./ Lankford, Samuel V. / Sagamore
Pub/2001³â 01¿ù
* Managing Environments for Leaisure & Recreation
Broadhurst, Richard / Routledge /2001³â 08¿ù
* Managing Recreation, Parks and Leisure Services : An Introduction
Christopher R. Edginton, Susan D. Hudson, Samuel V. Lankford / Sagamore
Publishing, Inc /2001³â 01¿ù
* Successful Event Management
Shore, Anton/Continuum International Publishing Group, Incorporated/2001³â 06¿ù
* Careers in Sports, Fitness, and Recreation
Wilson, Robert F. / Barrons Educational Series / 2001³â 05¿ù
* Glossary of Recreation Therapy and Occupational Therapy
Austin, David R. / Venture Pub / 2001³â 02¿ù
* Professional Issues in Therapeutic Recreation
Stumbo, Norma J., Ph.D. (Edt) / Sagamore Pub / 2001³â 06¿ù
* Performance Appraisal for Sport and Recreation Managers
Maclean, Joanne / Human Kinetics (Sd) / 2001³â 07¿ù
* Principles & Methods of Adapted Physical Education & Recreation with Gross
Motor Activites for Small
Auxter, David / McGraw-Hill Higher Education /2000³â11¿ù
* Inclusive and Special Recreation
Smith, Ralph W. / McGraw Hill College Div / 2001³â 03¿ù
* Coleman National Forest Campground and Recreation Directory
Globe Pequot Pr / 2000³â 12¿ù
* Disability Sport & Recreation Resources
Paciorek, Michael J. / Cooper Publishing Group /2000³â11¿ù
* Diversity & the Recreation Profession : Organizational Perspectives
Allison, Maria T. / Venture Publishing, Incorporated /2000³â 08¿ù
* Inclusive & Special Recreation : Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities
Austin, David R. / McGraw-Hill Higher Education /2000³â 08¿ù
* Educators Guide to Free Health, Physical Education & Recreation Materials
Educators Progress Service /2000³â 08¿ù
* Political Culture in Post-Communist Russia : Formlessness & Recreation
Alexander, James / Saint Martin's Press, LLC /2000³â 07¿ù
* Disability Sport and Recreation Resources
Paciorek, Michael J., Ph.D./ Jones, Jeffery A. / Cooper Pub Group / 2000³â 12¿ù
* Diversity & the Recreation Profession
Allison, Maria T.(Edt)/Schneider, Ingrid Eleanore (Edt)/ Venture Pub / 2000³â 8¿ù
* Economics of Sport and Recreation
Gratton, Chris/ Taylor, Peter / Routledge / 2000³â 05¿ù
* Effective Management in Therapeutic Recreation Service
O'Morrow, Gerald S./ Carter, Marcia Jean / Venture Pub / 1997³â 07¿ù
* Environmental Management for Rural Tourism and Recreation
Tribe, John/ Font, Xavier/ Vickery, Richard/ Yale, Karen/ Griffiths,
Nigel/Continuum Intl Pub Group (Sd) / 2000³â 03¿ù
* Facilitation Techniques in Therapeutic Recreation
Dattilo, John / Venture Pub / 2000³â 01¿ù
* Principles and Methods of Adapted Physical Education and Recreation
Auxter, David/ Pyfer, Jean/ Huettig, Carol / McGraw Hill College Div / 2000³â 11¿ù
* Forest Recreation Douglass,Robert W./Waveland Press, Incorporated/2000³â 05¿ù
* A Guide to Appraising Recreational Vehicle Parks
Saia, Robert S. / Appraisal Inst / 1997³â
* Adapted Physical Activity, Recreation and Sport
Sherrill, Claudine / McGraw Hill College Div / 1998³â
* Applications in Recreation & Leisure
Cordes, Kathleen A./ Ibrahim, Hilmi / McGraw Hill College Div / 1999³â
* Assessment Tools for Recreational Therapy
Burlingame, Joan/ Blaschko, Thomas M. / Idyll Arbor / 1997³â 06¿ù
* Community Recreation for People With Disabilities
Schlein, Stuart J./ Ray, M. Tipton/ Green, Frederick P./ Schleien, Stuart J. /
Paul HBrookes Pub Co / 1998³â 08¿ù
* Customer Diversity and Future Demand for Outdoor Recreation
Dwyer, John / Diane Pub Co / 1994³â 06¿ù
* Design for Outdoor Recreation
Bell, Simon / Routledge / 1997³â 03¿ù
* Evaluative Research in Recreation, Park, and Sport Settings
Riddick, Carol / Sagamore Pub / 1999³â 03¿ù
* Financing and Acquiring Park and Recreation Resources
Crompton, John L. / Human Kinetics (Sd) / 1999³â 02¿ù
* Human Resource Management in Sport and Recreation
Chelladurai, P./ Chelladurai, Packianathan / Human Kinetics (Sd) / 1999³â 02¿ù
* Internships in Recreation and Leisure Services
Seagle, Edward E./ Smith, Ralph W./ Dalton, Lola M. / Venture Pub / 1997³â 06¿ù
* Leadership for Recreation and Leisure Programs and Settings
Edginton, Christopher R. / Sagamore Pub / 1999³â 12¿ù
* Leisure and Recreation Management
Torkildsen, George / Routledge / 1999³â 09¿ù
* Managing Sport, Fitness, and Recreation Programs
Stier, William F. / Prentice Hall / 1998³â 12¿ù
* Outdoor Recreation and Camping Guide
Kulibert, Gary / Explorers Guide Pub / 1998³â 07¿ù
* Park and Recreational Structures
Good, Albert H. / Chronicle Books / 1999³â 07¿ù
* Philosophy of Therapeutic Recreation
Sylvester, Charles (Edt) / Natl Recreation & Park Assn / 1996³â 06¿ù
* Programming for Parks, Recreation, & Leisure Services
Degraaf, Donald G./ Jordan, Debra J./ Degraaf, Kathy H. / Venture Pub / 99³â 2¿ù
* Recreation Economic Decisions
Loomis, John B./ Walsh, Richard G./ Walsh, Richard G. Recreation Economic
Decisions / Venture Pub / 1997³â 09¿ù
* Recreation for Older Adults
Sorg-Elliott, Judith A./ Elliott, Judith A./ Elliott, Jerold E. / Venture Pub /99³â 12¿ù
* Recreation Gold Prospecting for Fun & Profit
Butler, Gail/ Morrison, Paul D. (Edt) / Gem Guides Book Co / 1998³â 05¿ù
* Recreation Trends and Markets
Kelly, John R./ Warnick, Rodney B. / Sagamore Pub / 1999³â 12¿ù
* Recreational Sport Management
Mull, Richard F. (Edt)/ Bayless, Kathryn G./ Ross, Craig M./ Jamieson, Lynn/
Mull, Richard F./ Bayless, Kathryn G. Recreational Sports Programming (Edt) /
Human Kinetics (Sd) / 1997³â 01¿ù
* Risk Management for Park, Recreation, and Leisure Services
Peterson, James A./ Hronek, Bruce B. / Sagamore Pub / 1997³â 06¿ù
* Study Guide for the Therapeutic Recreation Specialist Certification Examination
Stumbo, Norma J./ Folkerth, Jean / Sagamore Pub / 1997³â 12¿ù
* The Management of Clubs, Recreation, and Sport
Sawyer, Thomas/ Smith, Owen / Sagamore Pub / 1998³â 07¿ù
* Therapeutic Recreation Austin, David R. / Sagamore Pub / 1999³â 09¿ù
* Therapeutic Recreation in the Nursing Home
Buettner, Linda/ Martin, Shelley L. / Venture Pub / 1995³â 09¿ù


Total 132
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131 Ä¡·á ·¹Å©¸®¿¡ÀÌ¼Ç ³í¹® °ü¸®ÀÚ 08-26 5334 542
130 ¹è¼­À± ¸íÇ° ½ºÇÇÄ¡(youtube) ±è°æÁý 05-25 5270 82
129 ÇÁ·Î±×·¥ ÄÜƼ ¸¸µé±â °ü¸®ÀÚ 07-30 4798 321
128 °áÈ¥½Ä »çȸ ¸àÆ® ±è°æÁý 03-08 4625 185
127 ÇÁ·Î±×·¥ ÀÛ¼º¹ý °ü¸®ÀÚ 08-05 4376 267
126 ¾Æ³ª¿î¼­°¡ µÇ·Á¸é ±è°æÁý 04-15 4363 69
125 ·¹Å©¸®¿¡À̼ÇÀÇ ¿µ¿ª°ú È°µ¿ °ü¸®ÀÚ 08-24 4320 185
124 ·¹Å©¸®¿¡ÀÌ¼Ç ¼®»ç ³í¹® °ü¸®ÀÚ 08-26 4214 336
123 »çȸÀÚÀÇ ¸àÆ® Àü ÀÚ¼¼ ±è°æÁý 07-13 4141 173
122 ·¹Å©¸®¿¡À̼ÇÀÇ °³³ä °ü¸®ÀÚ 08-24 4056 270
121 °¡Á· ·¹Å©¸®¿¡ÀÌ¼Ç °ü¸®ÀÚ 08-24 4009 275
120 ·¹Å©¸®¿¡ÀÌ¼Ç Àú¼­(Çѱ¹) °ü¸®ÀÚ 08-26 3906 439
119 ÇÁ·Î±×·¥ ÀÛ¼º½Ã À¯ÀÇ »çÇ× °ü¸®ÀÚ 08-05 3867 269
118 ĪÂùÀÇ ¹ýÄ¢ ±è°æÁý 08-27 3855 465
117 ÇÁ·Î±×·¥ ÁøÇà½Ã À¯ÀÇÁ¡ °ü¸®ÀÚ 07-30 3839 283
116 °ÔÀÓ Áöµµ ¹æ¹ý ±è°æÁý 04-28 3805 440
115 ¿ôÀ½°ú ¸í¾ð °ü¸®ÀÚ 08-27 3727 457
114 ·¹Å© ÁöµµÀÚ À¯ÀÇ »çÇ×(youtube) ±è°æÁý 02-26 3711 542
113 ÇູÇÑ ºÎºÎ ±è°æÁý 09-30 3659 459
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